Meal planning should be simple, no matter what device is in front of you. We think the best experience is on a (old) tablet mounted next to your fridge, but it should be just as good on your phone as on your computer.
There's nothing worse than standing in the middle of a grocery isle, mind-blanking on what you were going to make each night of the coming week.
As long as you've got an internet connection, we're there to help you. Even if your partner changed things up on you, you've always got the latest data at your fingertips.
Never have to hear your teenager's whining "What's for dinner tonight?". Not only that, you can sketch out a list, then ask your family/friends/roommates to tweak the things.
Want to know what kinds of meals you planned during the holiday season last year? We've got you covered, making it easy to see anything/everything you've made.
Want to know what the most frequent/popular meals have been, or maybe see a list of things you haven't tried in awhile? We've got the stats & sortable lists for you.
What won't we do with your meals (or your information)? Sell it. Your profile, your tastes, all those juicy stats about what you make? It stays private on the What's Dinner platform.
If you're anything like us, that crusty old whiteboard on the fridge is mocking you. The idea of writing out "Macaroni & Cheese" on the whiteboard for what seems like the ten millionth time. Or trying to plan those last two meals while not feeling like anything.
That's why we've built tools to make it as painless as possible. Just start typing, & we provide an autocomplete of everything you've made before. Some other feature here!
And if you're feeling frisky, the humble "Randomize" button turns a complex thought process into a delightful "yes/no", and may surprise you with things you've long forgotten.